Kids First DPC
Pediatric Urgent Care
Why Choose Us?
same day appointments
As part of our commitment to providing top-notch care for your child, we make same day appointments readily available for acute care concerns.
high quality & compassionate Care
We ensure that every child receives the attention and support they deserve in a comfortable and welcoming environment.
physician-only care
Your child will always be seen by a board-certified physician, ensuring expert medical attention and a personal touch you can trust.
Urgent Care
After-Hours Care
Unrushed Visits
Direct Care
Transparent Pricing
Our Mission
At Kids First DPC, our mission is to provide exceptional, personalized, pediatric urgent care that prioritizes the well-being of every child and the peace of mind of every parent. We offer accessible, high-quality services with transparent pricing and extended hours to meet families’ needs when it matters most. Committed to delivering compassionate care without hidden fees or barriers, we strive to simplify healthcare and center our approach around your child’s unique needs.
Book an appointment today!